Tiger Time (After Care)
Hours & Rates
Hours: Dismissal - 5:30 PM
Registration: Fill out the form below and set up AUTO payments for Incidental Billing through FACTS (in your Family Portal)
Rates Per Child:
- Rates are: Daily $30, Weekly $100, and Monthly $280.
- Families of three or more children will only be charged for two children.
- LATE FEE: $10 late fee will apply every 15 minutes after 5:30 PM. After three late fees, the family may be excluded from the program.
Billing through FACTS:
- If you choose to pay weekly, you will be billed on the Monday following that week of Tiger Time.
- If you choose to pay monthly, you will be billed on the first of the month following that month of Tiger Time.
- Children must be pre-registered in the Tiger Time Program (form below) and AUTO payments must be set up in FACTS.
- $50 registration fee per family
- $30 “drop-in” fee will be assessed for unregistered children in addition to the above registration fees
Snack: Please send a daily snack with your child! Snack donations are always welcome!